Saturday, March 20, 2010

2. The Nature of English Class
English class by nature is very counterproductive. Math, geography and virtually every other subject in school is cumulative. You are adding onto what you've learned previously therefore there is a linear form of progression. However, English is an interpretive field in which every instructor has his/her own set of regulations that dictate what is acceptable and what is not. And for some reason unbeknownst to me, every English teacher feels that he/she is the lone revolutionist, cleansing students from poor writing. I'm tired of every teacher thinking they're sent by Jesus to teach us the "proper" way to write. English class feels like a whiteboard to me. Each semester I write down notes on my whiteboard. At the of the semester, I wipe my slate clean and learn the new set of rules for my next English teacher. Rinse and repeat.

It's not only the inefficient school curriculum that aggravates me. I dislike the very essence of language. I'm baffled by the idea that there's multiple ways of doing something and they're all equally correct. The only constants in writing are the rules of grammar, but even that is arbitrary at times. Why are there so many different ways to say one thing? Do you really need 10 different ways to say no? Negative. Of course not. Nopes. And so on. Needless to say, I think it's obvious which gender invented language. I won't specify which because I don't want a bunch of hate mail from angry individuals who burn their bras every weekend. By the way, guys can wear bras too so I haven't contradicted myself. Personally, I'm not a fan of wearing them, but I'm not discriminatory.

I will say one final thing on this matter. All famous mathematicians are male and math is a subject where there's only one right answer. Go figure.

The famous mathematician, Pascal, shares his wisdom with the rest of the world.

1 comment:

  1. And gender has what to do with the foundations of the English language?
